Training the Trainers

The Training the Trainers initiative (TT) is part of the “Advanced Skills in Safety, Environment and Security at Sea-ASSESS” project, approved and co-funded in the framework of the Call Blue Careers in Europe and launched by DG Mare. The project aims to realize three specific education and training paths, in English language, for human resources, both employed and young people, that will be able to manage safety and security issues in the maritime sector. The partnership, made up from mareFVG, University of Trieste, Lloyd’s Register EMEA, National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics (OGS) and National Research Council (CNR INSEAN), with the collaboration of Fincantieri and Wärtsilä, strives for the courses to become an international reference on these topics that are becoming more and more relevant for the maritime sector in Europe as well as in the world.
The Training the Trainers Initiative is a refresher course for technical teachers in secondary higher technical institutes from Italia, Slovenia and Croatia. Teachers will acquire new skills and knowledge in multidisciplinary areas of maritime safety, the environment and security at sea. They will then be able to transfer the knowledge they have acquired to their own students in order to develop their vocation towards maritime jobs.
The course is held in English. The overall path foresees 16 hours of frontal lessons, divided by topics in 4 independent blocks, each of them lasting 4 hours, following the here attached programme. The courses will be held at the University of Trieste (Italy) on 5th and 12th October and on 19th and 26th November 2018. Each teacher will be free to choose if attend one or more paths. At the end of the training, teachers will be requested to define the contents of at least 2 lessons addressed to their students and focused on the specific maritime topics learned during the TT initiative in order to prove the achievement of main assumptions provided by the course.
Please find here attached the Training the Trainers’ Letters of Presentation: Italian, Slovenian, Croatian.
Skills to be acquired:
The aim of the TT initiative is to spread specific maritime issues to high schools’ students through their teachers in order to anticipate their understanding of the most relevant practices in use in the sector. It is expected that each teacher will be able to transfer, year by year, “maritime Blue Growth” concepts to his students during regular lessons. In this way, the project strives to have an orientation function and at the same time, take students closer to enterprises’ world. In fact, among the market expressed needs there is a huge request of qualified human resources especially in the maritime technologies’ sector.
The classroom teaching 16 hours are divided as follows: