Marina Cabrini holds a Degree in Biological Sciences (University of Trieste). She attended a Master in Aquaculture (University of Udine) and is enabled the profession of biologist (University of Padova).
First researcher at INOGS, her research is focussed on the biodiversity and ecology of phytoplankton community, long time series and microalgae succession particularly in response to climate changes. She is expert of taxonomy of toxic species included the contamination in shellfish. The research concerns also innovative technology systems for the automation in situ observations of microalgae and studies on renewable energy for the production of biomass for biofuel and other commercial and industrial applications. Recently she was the scientific responsible for OGS in the IPA Strategic Cross Border Cooperation project BALMAS (Ballast Water Managment System for Adriatic Sea Protection) focused on introduction of Non Indigenous Species. She has participated in several oceanographic cruises in Adriatic and in four Antarctica expeditions. She is also responsible of national and international projects on ecology and biodiversity of phytoplankton community in transitional and marine ecosystems. Now in the section Oceanography, she is the coordinator of Marine Biology group. She was teacher in courses of marine ecology has collaborated on plans and researches with universities, schools and environmental agencies, followed several dissertation, PhD, master and coordinated many stages. Author more than 130 articles in national and international journals, she was also president of Plankton Commitee of SIBM (Società Italiana di Biologia Marina) and elected as member in Directive Council of SIBM for the period 2012-2012 and subsenquently 2013-2015.
Advanced Master

An advanced course created for graduated students and employees who are involved in the design and manufacturing phases of ships and/or offshore vessels/platforms, which will improve their skills in maritime safety as well as in environmental and security issues.
Upskilling Programme

A course designed for both employed and unemployed professionals who have already developed technical skills and capabilities in maritime safety, the environment and security at sea,which will provide them with additional expertise in the safety and security fields, with respect to on-board personnel, infrastructure and the environment.
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Training the Trainers

A refresher course thought for teachers of high schools with technical courses, which will confer them an updated knowledge about multidisciplinary topics on safety and security issues related to maritime sector.
Teacher has no Lectures in this module
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