Evacuation analyses
- Teachers:
- Vittorio BUCCI;
Hours: 32
Means of escape
- Sizing of a mean of escape (Doors, Stairway, Landing) in compliance with FSS Code.
- Sizing of a Muster Station.
Evacuation analyses
- Evacuation analyses performed with simplified method.
- Evacuation analyses performed with advanced method.
- Sizing of the LSA of a passenger ship.
Aims and intended learning outcomes
- Capability to size means of escape of a ship.
- Capability to perform evacuation analyses with both simplified and advanced methods.
- Capability to size the LSA of a (passenger) ship.
Recommended textbooks
- SOLAS Consolidated edition 2014.
- MSC Circulars (given by the teacher).
- FSS Code Edition 2015.
- LSA Code Edition 2017.