Maritime Decision Support Systems
- Teachers:
Hours: 1
A brief introduction to the logic of Decision Support Systems.
Radars and Electronic Chart Displays.
Weather routing and routing optimization systems.
Collision avoidance systems.
Energy Optimization systems.
Docking Systems.
Dynamic Positioning system.
Use of DSS in emergency situations.
Vessel Traffic Management Systems.
Aims and intended learning outcomes
- Have an overview on the variety of Decision Support Systems.
- Understand the logic of functioning of a Decision Support System.
- Understand the use of Decision Support Systems.
Recommended textbooks
- Jori Nordström, Floris Goerlandt, Janne Sarsama, Petteri Leppänen, Minna Nissilä,Pekka Ruponen, Thomas Lübcke, Sanna Sonninen, 2016. Vessel TRIAGE: A method for assessing and communicating the safety status of vessels in maritime distress situations, Safety Science, Volume 85, June 2016, Pages 117-129,
- P. Perera, J. P. Carvalho, C. Guedes Soares, Decision making system for the collision avoidance of marine vessel navigation based on COLREGs rules and regulations, 13th Congress of Intl. Maritime Assoc. of Mediterranean, IMAM 2009, Istanbul, Turkey, 12-15 Oct. 2009, Page 1121-1128.
- IMO, 1972. “Convention on the international regulations for preventing collisions at sea (COLREGs)”.
- Agnieszka Lazarowska, Decision support system for collision avoidance at sea, 2012. POLISH MARITIME RESEARCH Special Issue S1 (74) 2012 Vol 19; pp. 19-24.
- IMO Train the Trainer (TTT) Course on Energy Efficient Ship Operation,
- Handouts from the lecture.