Advanced Master

Protection Theory

Hours: 16


General historical introduction + future statutory legislation.

Role of the Classification Societies, Flag Administrations, IMO, EMSA, IACS.

General Fire Safety including overview of fire phenomena.

Protection theory:

  • Structural Fire Protection including SRtP aspects (Safe Areas and Numbering of Space) and Dangerous Goods
  • Elements: specifically Windows and doors
  • HVAC
  • Allowable Fire Volume Calculations including certification
  • Cargo/Passengers

Exercise Sessions.

Aims and intended learning outcomes

  • Understanding of the technical terminology.
  • Understanding of the fire safety objectives and functional requirements to meet them.
  • Understanding of the approval process for statutory F & S matters (role of the Classification Society and the Flag Administration).
  • Familiarity with reference document: SOLAS Ch. II-2 Regs, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11 and 19 (systems and equipment covered, applicability) plus corresponding requirements in MCA LY3 and PYC.
  • Familiarity of additional reference codes including FSS, FTP and LSA.

Recommended textbooks

  • SOLAS 1974 (as amended).
  • Fire Safety System (FSS) Code.
  • Fire Testing Procedure (FTP) Code.
  • Life-Saving Appliances (LSA) Code.
  • MCA LY3.
  • MCA PYC.