From 2013 and 2015 in CETENA (Research & Consultancy in maritime field), Dario Cangelosi worked as project technical coordinator of five research projects in the marine field on the following topics: hydrodynamic and acoustic optimization, design of special ships for waste water treatment, design of fuel-cell hybrid power plant systems, monitoring and optimization of passengers ships consumption and refitting of dual-fuel propulsion systems. Since 2015, he deals with the assessment of the compliance with the IMO Rules related to Safe Return to Port and Ship
orderly evacuation. In 2016, he joined the Maritime Technology Cluster FVG in Monfalcone as research project coordinator. Starting from 2017, he is also in charge of training and technology transfer activities focused on ship safety and intended for technical staff.
Advanced Master

An advanced course created for graduated students and employees who are involved in the design and manufacturing phases of ships and/or offshore vessels/platforms, which will improve their skills in maritime safety as well as in environmental and security issues.
Upskilling Programme

A course designed for both employed and unemployed professionals who have already developed technical skills and capabilities in maritime safety, the environment and security at sea,which will provide them with additional expertise in the safety and security fields, with respect to on-board personnel, infrastructure and the environment.
Teacher has no Lectures in this module
Training the Trainers

A refresher course thought for teachers of high schools with technical courses, which will confer them an updated knowledge about multidisciplinary topics on safety and security issues related to maritime sector.
Teacher has no Lectures in this module
Via Callisto Cosulich, 20 34074 Monfalcone (Italy)
tel. +39 0481 723440 - fax. +39 0481 721137
Codice Fiscale e Partita Iva: 01138620313
PEC: marefvg@legalmail.it